DUNGEON Twilight 'Old Edition', vol. 3

The New Centurions

Lewis TrondheimJoann SfarKerascoet, Obion

The next 2 chapters in the decline of Dungeon: Terra Amata has exploded and the Dark Fortress of the Grand Khan needs to master the nitro tech. To that end, they hire Marvin the Red even as others plot malevolently… In the second episode, Marvin the dragon and Marvin the Red are trapped on a quickly revolving piece of the exploded planet, and must constantly run or fall off into oblivion!


“One of the funniest volumes of the series yet! Has all the hooks that make Dungeon such a fun series: high adventure, lots of action, and a broad and rambling sense of humor. ”

"Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar are modern exemplars when it comes to how one straddles mainstream success and artistic achievement, and as page-to-page, madcap cartooning it's hard to go wrong with watching their mostly well-selected art teams put the well-designed original characters through their paces."
-Tom Spurgeon, 
Comics Reporter

"One of the things that I do appreciate, and love, about Dungeon is the way that major things — the shape of the world, a fortress, family members, a distinctive suit of armor — are lost quickly and definitively, in an almost offhand manner. The world of Dungeon is one where every day — sometimes every moment — that a character can spend alive is the result of a struggle. Sfar and Trondheim don’t spare their major characters, either."
-Andrew Wheeler, 
Antick Musings

"The amazing Dungeon series created by French geniuses Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim continues from strength to strength."
-Jeff Vandermeer, Omnivoracious

61/2x9, 96pp., full color trade paperback, $12.99
ISBN 9781561635788